Sidekick Volunteer Orientation

Sidekick Volunteer Orientation


via Zoom

Our dedicated Caregiver Support Sidekick Volunteers provide support directly in the homes of foster and kinship families throughout Clark and Cowlitz Counties. Register for one of our online orientations and learn how to get involved today.

Sidekick Volunteer Orientations:

  • April 9 - 7 PM
March Caregiver Collective

March Caregiver Collective

March 26 • 6-7:30 PM

City Harvest Church

The Caregiver Collective is a bi-monthly event that creates a space for caregivers to connect, share experiences, and find support in one another. Each session is hosted by a licensed therapeutic facilitator who guides the evening's activities and discussions.

This month’s Caregiver Collective, Heart Strings Unbroken, will be a guided discussion on family reunification and its impact on caregivers. Join us for an open and supportive conversation about the challenges, emotions, and realities of this important part of the foster care journey.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of New Heights Church, caregivers who attend can pick out brand-new pajamas for youth in their care at our Pajama Giveaway!

Caring Companions Orientation

Caring Companions Orientation

April 1 @ 11am

Via Zoom

Caring Companions provide necessities, a caring companion, and a nurturing environment to children on the longest day of their lives - the day they enter foster care. Get involved by registering for the online orientation today!
